Access Denied: Too many requests from the same client IP; Dynamic IP Restriction Concurrent request rate limit reached.
Substatus code
Uofficiel (Microsoft Internet Information Services)
work in progress
Specifikation af HTTP-statuskode 401.501
igangværende arbejde
Kilde / citat fra: HTTP-statuskoden 401.501 Access Denied: Too many requests from the same client IP; Dynamic IP Restriction Concurrent request rate limit reached. er specificeret i afsnit 401 i HTTP IIS.
Browserkompatibilitet for 401.501-statuskoden
Chrome | no data |
Edge | no data |
Firefox | no data |
Opera | no data |
Safari | no data |
Chrome Android | no data |
Firefox for Android | no data |
Opera Android | no data |
Safari on iOS | no data |
Internet | no data |
WebView Android | no data |