
Successful responses

The HTTP status codes in the range from 200 to 299 are success codes. They are used by the server to tell the client that the request was successful and that the requested information is included in the response. These codes indicate that the client's request was processed successfully and that the expected information is included in the response. They are commonly used by web applications and APIs to return the requested data to the client. It is important to note that not all successful requests require a response with data. For example, the 204 status code is used when the client makes a request that does not require data to be returned, such as deleting a resource. Overall, HTTP status codes in the range of 200 to 299 indicate that the request was successful and that the server returned the requested information to the client.

<200/> OK

The request was successful

<201/> Created

The new resource was created according to the request

<202/> Accepted

The sent request has been accepted, but not yet processed

<203/> Non-Authoritative Information

A cached copy was used to provide the meta information. Data may not be up to date.

<204/> No Content

there is no content to the request

<205/> Reset Content

the client should reset the document to its original state. The request was successful

<206/> Partial Content

the requested part of the resource was submitted. The request was successful.

<207/> Multi-Status

Using an XML document, several status codes are transmitted regardless of the operation performed

<208/> Already Reported

Members of the WebDAV session have already been nominated, and therefore will not be nominated again

<214/> Transformation Applied

a change in content encoding, media type or similar
Official Deprecated

<226/> IM Used

the server has fulfilled a request for the resource and the response is a representation of the result of one or more instance manipulations applied to the current instance

<299/> Miscellaneous Persistent Warning

Change of content encoding, media type or similar, indicating persistent warning.
Official Deprecated