HTTP status codes are an essential part of the Internet and are used to describe the results of requests to web servers. There are a total of five different categories of status codes, each of which has a specific meaning. On our website you will find a comprehensive list of all HTTP status codes as well as detailed explanations of each category.
Our HTTP Status Codes Blog
Our blog on HTTP status codes provides an in-depth look at the meaning and use of various codes in web traffic. From common 404 errors to redirects and server errors, learn how they work and how to deal with them to improve your website's performance and optimize user experience. Discover best practices, case studies, and useful tips to avoid potential problems and realize the full potential of your website.
HTTP status codes are essential for communication between servers and clients. They play a particularly important role in search engine optimization (SEO), as they signal to web crawlers such as Go...
Section 1: What is the xmlrpc.php file and where is it foundThe xmlrpc.php file is an important component in WordPress, one of the world's leading content management systems (CMS) for creating and ...
Web performance and the resulting user experience are central aspects for the success of any website. One significant factor that affects this performance is HTTP status codes, especially in the co...
HTTP, or the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is the backbone of the internet. It's the standard mechanism through which web browsers request data from web servers and receive this data. But what exact...
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All status codes at a glance
<1XX/> Informational responses
The HTTP status codes in the range 100 to 199 are informational codes. They are used by the server to tell the client that the request has been received and that more information will follow.
<101/> Switching Protocols
The transmission protocol is changed at the request of the client
<102/> Processing
a time-consuming request is processed
Official Deprecated
<103/> Early Hints
The server prepares a response
<110/> Response is Stale
the response provided by a cache is outdated
Official Deprecated
<111/> Revalidation Failed
the cache was not able to validate the response because the origin server could not be reached
Official Deprecated
<112/> Disconnected Operation
the cache is intentionally disconnected from the rest of the network
Official Deprecated
<113/> Heuristic Expiration
the cache has heuristically chosen a freshness time greater than 24 hours and the age of the answer is greater than 24 hours
Official Deprecated
<199/> Miscellaneous Warning
arbitrary, unspecific warning
Official Deprecated
<2XX/> Successful responses
The HTTP status codes in the range from 200 to 299 are success codes. They are used by the server to tell the client that the request was successful and that the requested information is included in the response.
<203/> Non-Authoritative Information
A cached copy was used to provide the meta information. Data may not be up to date.
<204/> No Content
there is no content to the request
<205/> Reset Content
the client should reset the document to its original state. The request was successful
<206/> Partial Content
the requested part of the resource was submitted. The request was successful.
<207/> Multi-Status
Using an XML document, several status codes are transmitted regardless of the operation performed
<208/> Already Reported
Members of the WebDAV session have already been nominated, and therefore will not be nominated again
<214/> Transformation Applied
a change in content encoding, media type or similar
Official Deprecated
<226/> IM Used
the server has fulfilled a request for the resource and the response is a representation of the result of one or more instance manipulations applied to the current instance
<299/> Miscellaneous Persistent Warning
Change of content encoding, media type or similar, indicating persistent warning.
Official Deprecated
<3XX/> Redirection messages
The HTTP status codes in the range 300 to 399 are redirect codes. They are used by the server to tell the client that the requested resource is available at a different URL and that the client should redirect to that URL.
<300/> Multiple Choices
several different resources are available
<301/> Moved Permanently
the URL has changed, for further requests this should be used
<303/> See Other
the redirects do not point to the requested resource itself, but to another page
<304/> Not Modified
The resource does not need to be retransmitted because no change has taken place
<306/> Switch Proxy
The resource is accessible only through a specific proxy
Official Deprecated
<307/> Temporary Redirect
The ressouce is temporarily available under a new URL. The new call must be based on the same method
<308/> Permanent Redirect
The ressouce is available in perpetuity at a new URL. All future requests should be made via the new URL
<4XX/> Client error responses
The HTTP status codes in the range 400 to 499 are client error codes. They are used by the server to tell the client that the request failed due to an error by the client.
<400/> Bad Request
The request is invalid
<401/> Unauthorized
The request was unauthorized
<402/> Payment Required
a payment is required
<405/> Method Not Allowed
The method used for the request is not allowed
<406/> Not Acceptable
The user agent does not have an accepted representation
<407/> Proxy Authentication Required
Authentication with the proxy is required
<408/> Request Timeout
The time for the request has expired
<411/> Length Required
The request was not processed because a content length was expected
<412/> Precondition Failed
Pre-conditions were not satisfactory, the request was not successful
<413/> Payload Too Large
The payload is too big for the server
<414/> URI Too Long
The URL is too long, the server is not ready to evaluate it
<415/> Unsupported Media Type
The format of the payload is not available for the ressouce
<416/> Range Not Satisfiable
The requested areas cannot be provided
<417/> Expectation Failed
The expectations could not be met
<418/> I'm a teapot
The coffee could not be made with a teapot
<421/> Misdirected Request
The request was misdirected
<422/> Unprocessable Content
Due to a semantic error, the request could not be processed
<424/> Failed Dependency
There is no indispensable dependence
<426/> Upgrade Required
An upgrade of the protocol is required
<428/> Precondition Required
A precondition is required to process the request
<429/> Too Many Requests
The server has received too many requests
<431/> Request Header Fields Too Large
The request header is too large
<451/> Unavailable For Legal Reasons
Due to legal reasons the request has been rejected
<5XX/> Server error responses
The HTTP status codes in the range from 500 to 599 are server error codes. They are used by the server to tell the client that an error has occurred that prevented the request from being processed.
<500/> Internal Server Error
An unspecified internal server error
<501/> Not Implemented
currently not implemented
<502/> Bad Gateway
the downstream server returned an error message
<503/> Service Unavailable
the service is not available
<504/> Gateway Timeout
The parent server did not respond in a timely manner
<506/> Variant Also Negotiates
Endpoint negotiates itself
<507/> Insufficient Storage
no memory available
<508/> Loop Detected
Loop detected
<510/> Not Extended
expectation was not met
<511/> Network Authentication Required
network authentication was expected